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BLUELAND: Dishwasher Detergent Tablet Starter Set

BLUELAND: Dishwasher Detergent Tablet Starter Set

Regular price $29.99 USD
Regular price $29.99 USD Sale price $29.99 USD
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What We Love

1. Made with eco-friendly ingredients that are safe for the environment and effective for dishes
2. Convenient tablet form that eliminates the need for measuring and reduces plastic waste
3. Biodegradable and phosphate-free, promoting cleaner water systems
4. The starter set includes reusable storage tin, promoting zero-waste kitchen practices
5. Certified eco-friendly, reflecting a commitment to sustainability in dish care


Sustainable Features

Price Point

Estimated Life Expectancy

What We'd Like to See Improved

Savings & Benefits for Switching from Conventional Options

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BLUELAND: Dishwasher Detergent Tablet Starter Set

🌿 Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

Blueland's plant-based dishwasher tablets are designed to be gentle on the planet. Free from harsh chemicals, petroleum-based ingredients, bleach, and artificial dyes, these tablets are made from biodegradable materials and come in plastic-free packaging. They are EPA Safer Choice, Leaping Bunny Cruelty-Free, Vegan, B Corp Certified, and Climate Neutral Certified, ensuring a truly eco-friendly cleaning option.

✨ Effective and Powerful Cleaning

Proven by independent labs, Blueland's dishwasher tablets effectively cut through grease and grime, leaving dishes sparkling clean. They can tackle 24-hour baked-on and burnt-on stains on dishware, glassware, silver, and porcelain without the need for a rinse aid. Developed by scientists with over 40 patents, these tablets perform as well as leading competitors.

🧽 Easy to Use and Convenient

Using Blueland's dishwasher tablets is simple—just drop a tablet into the main dishwasher dispenser and run your dishwasher as usual. The tablets come in an unscented form and are available in a pack of 60. When you run out, you can easily refill your Forever Tin, maintaining a sustainable and waste-free cleaning routine.


A standout feature of BLUELAND's detergent tablets is their significant reduction in plastic waste. Unlike conventional dishwasher detergents, these tablets and their packaging are completely plastic-free. This means no plastic residue is left behind, making a considerable positive impact on the environment. By eliminating plastic, you are directly contributing to the reduction of plastic pollution, which is a critical global issue. Durability is another key benefit of BLUELAND Dishwasher Detergent Tablets. Each tablet lasts for up to 60 washes, providing a reliable and consistent cleaning solution. This long-lasting nature ensures that you are not constantly repurchasing detergent, further lowering your environmental impact and saving you money over time.

In addition to environmental and cost benefits, these detergent tablets promote a healthier home environment. They reduce exposure to harmful chemicals commonly found in traditional cleaning products. This reduction in chemical exposure is particularly beneficial for households with children, pets, or individuals with sensitivities or allergies.

By making the switch to BLUELAND Dishwasher Detergent Tablets, you are actively contributing to a more sustainable future. Not only do you enjoy the benefits of a safe and effective cleaning product, but you also play a part in preserving the planet for future generations. This simple change in your cleaning routine can have a profound impact, promoting a healthier lifestyle and a cleaner environment. Embrace this sustainable choice and be a part of the solution to global plastic pollution and chemical exposure.

Country of Origin:

  • USA

Sustainability Explanation:

 1. Manufacturing: 9/10

  • Product is produced near its primary market 

2. Distribution: 9/10

  • Distribution is traditionally not far from the target market

3. Cost: 7/10

  • Dishwashing pods with more environmentally friendly packaging and ingredients typically cost 50% more than competing products which are produced at scale

 4. Packaging: 9/10

  • Packaging is in a steel container for first-time purchases and recyclable paper bags for refills

5. Effectiveness: 6/10

  • Product is about as effective as bigger name brands

6. Lifespan: 5/10

  • Product is a consumable 

7. Fun: 5/10

  • Products can be crumbly and tablets can be broken in transit

8. Relevance: 8/10

  • Highly effective in executing its cleaning task

9. Disposal: 10/10

  • Is consumed naturally during use

10. Recycling: 10/10

  • Packaging is infinitely recycled for steel containers and recyclable for paper bag refill containers

BLUELAND Dishwasher Detergent Tablets Benefits:

1. Plastic-Free Packaging:

  • Eliminates single-use plastics, reducing plastic pollution and waste

2. Natural Ingredients:

  • Uses biodegradable, non-toxic ingredients, which are safer for both the environment and human health

3. Eco-Friendly Production:

  • The production process minimizes carbon footprint and resource use, contributing to overall sustainability

4. Effective Cleaning:

  • Despite being eco-friendly, the product is highly effective, ensuring clean dishes without harmful residues

5. Corporate Responsibility:

  • The company supports various environmental initiatives and promotes sustainable living practices

Plastic Coated Dish Pods Drawbacks:

1. Plastic Packaging:

  • Utilizes single-use plastic packaging, contributing significantly to plastic pollution

2. Chemical Composition:

  • Contains harsh chemicals and fragrances that can be harmful to both health and the environment

3. Microplastic Shedding:

  • The plastic components in the pods can contribute to microplastic pollution, impacting marine life and ecosystems

4. Higher Environmental Impact:

  • The production and disposal processes have a higher carbon footprint compared to more sustainable alternatives

5. Health Risks:

  • Potential health risks from exposure to toxic chemicals and residues left on dishes

How to Start Using BLUELAND Dishwasher Detergent Tablets:

1. Purchase the Starter Set:

  • Order the BLUELAND Dishwasher Detergent Tablet Starter Set from their official website or a trusted retailer

2. Transition Period:

  • Use up any remaining unsustainable detergent pods to avoid waste before switching entirely to BLUELAND tablets

3. Proper Storage:

  • Store the tablets in a cool, dry place to maintain their effectiveness and prevent moisture exposure

4. Usage Instructions:

  • Follow the usage instructions provided by BLUELAND to ensure optimal cleaning results with each wash

5. Monitor and Adjust:

  • Track the performance and adjust the number of tablets if needed for larger or heavily soiled loads


The BLUELAND Dishwasher Detergent Tablet Starter Set offers a highly sustainable alternative to conventional plastic-coated dish pods. Designed with eco-friendliness in mind, BLUELAND’s detergent tablets are crafted from non-toxic ingredients that minimize health risks and environmental harm. Unlike traditional dish pods that contribute to significant plastic waste, BLUELAND’s product line is packaged in reusable containers, drastically reducing plastic consumption.

One of the most compelling advantages of the BLUELAND Dishwasher Detergent Tablet Starter Set is its long-term cost efficiency. Moreover, the environmental benefits of switching to BLUELAND are profound. Traditional dish pods are encased in plastic that often ends up in landfills or oceans, contributing to the growing problem of plastic pollution and microplastic contamination. In contrast, BLUELAND’s approach eliminates this issue, offering a sustainable solution that aligns with growing consumer demands for green products.

In summary, the BLUELAND Dishwasher Detergent Tablet Starter Set stands out as a superior choice for environmentally conscious consumers. Its combination of lower lifetime costs, reduced plastic waste, and non-toxic ingredients makes it an excellent investment for both the planet and the user’s pocket. Adopting BLUELAND’s sustainable dishwasher tablets is a straightforward yet impactful step toward a greener future.

Lifetime Plastic Avoided

BLUELAND Dishwasher Detergent Tablet Starter Set

1. Estimated Lifespan:

  • Lifespan: The starter set typically includes a reusable container and a supply of tablets (e.g., 60 tablets)
  • Refill Frequency: Assuming one dishwasher load per day, the initial set lasts about 2 months (60 days)

2. Number of Purchases in a 50-Year Lifespan:

  • Initial Purchase: 1 starter set
  • Refills Needed: 50 years x 365 days = 18,250 dishwasher loads
  • Refill Packs Needed: 18,250 loads / 60 tablets per refill = ~305 refill packs

3. Plastic Content:

  • Plastic in Product: The starter set includes a reusable plastic container, of approximately 100 grams
  • Plastic in Refills: Minimal, usually packed in compostable or recyclable paper; negligible plastic content

4. Lifetime Plastic Consumption:

  • Plastic per Purchase: 100 grams for the starter set container
  • Total Plastic Consumption: 100 grams (reusable container)

5. Single-Use Components: 

  • None identified

Plastic-Coated Dish Pods

1. Estimated Lifespan:

  • Lifespan: Typically used once per dishwasher load
  • Refill Frequency: 50 years x 365 days = 18,250 dishwasher loads

2. Number of Purchases in a 50-Year Lifespan:

  • Refill Packs Needed: 18,250 loads / 60 pods per pack = ~305 packs

3. Plastic Content:

  • Plastic in Product: Each pod has a plastic coating, approximately 1 gram per pod
  • Plastic in Packaging: Each pack has about 20 grams of plastic packaging

4. Lifetime Plastic Consumption:

  • Plastic per Pack: 60 grams (pods) + 20 grams (packaging) = 80 grams
  • Total Plastic Consumption: 305 packs x 80 grams = 24,400 grams

5. Single-Use Components: None identified

Switching Savings/Costs

BLUELAND Dishwasher Detergent Tablet Starter Set

1. Total Cost:

  • Cost per Starter Set: Approximately $20
  • Cost per Refill Pack: Approximately $12 for 60 tablets
  • Total Cost: 1 starter set x $20 + 305 refills x $12 = $20 + $3,660 = $3,680

Plastic-Coated Dish Pods

1. Total Cost:

  • Cost per Pack: Approximately $15 for 60 pods
  • Total Cost: 305 packs x $15 = $4,575.

Chemicals Avoided

BLUELAND Dishwasher Detergent Tablets

  1. Chemicals: Marketed as eco-friendly, these tablets typically do not contain harmful chemicals like phosphates, chlorine, or synthetic fragrances

Plastic-Coated Dish Pods

  1. Chemicals: These pods may contain chemicals such as phosphates, chlorine, and synthetic fragrances, which can be harmful to health and the environment. The plastic coating itself can be a source of microplastics.


  1. Environmental Working Group (EWG) for chemical safety information
  2. General product lifespan and cost assumptions from typical market observations