Our Story

Truth: Life was more enjoyable abroad
Starting In 2021, co-founder Jill began subletting her NYC to live a simpler life overseas. This took her to Morocco (she's a boho chic girl), Greece, Spain, Portugal, France for many months at a time.
With minimal belongings and time on her hands working remotely In tech, she started to observe many the lifestyles and products she discovered traveling just felt simply better.

Back In the Palo Alto, CA
Co-founder Vipul, Jill's colleague at their AI Marketing Tech company wrestled with making his home more organized and functional for his wife and young son.
Like many American's once he dug In, he became more concerned at how much stuff existed, and on top of It began questioning why many of his appliances and products all seemed to have run their limit despite just a few years of usage.
Beause the system from product marketers is designed to ensure you will re-buy, or buy more for a bargain.
But this is an exhausting way most of us all live by default.

Combining perspectives, The Tribalist was born
Realizing the gap in ways we live, The Tribalist began as a movement to think and live different. Our brand represented choosing to llive In a simplier way and designing an easy way for anyone to get there.
Due to both found's entrepreneurial backgrounds and experience in AI, it was a natural step to explore how AI as a tool could augment helping people live healthier lives at home.