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Produce Organization Guide

Produce Organization Guide

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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Tired of buying expensive produce and throwing it out because it goes bad too soon?

Learn proper storage techniques in our produce guide that can extend the shelf life of your produce by 2-3x with minimal cost!

Essential information on hacks to extend the lifespan of your produce

✨ Learn techniques to save you money, time, and give you a more fulfilling way to taste freshness 

✨ Includes our time saving Amazon Shopping List to get started 2 clicks away (of course use what you have on-hand first)

🎉 Bonus! 2 Page printable guide for easy fruit & veggie storage look up

Published: September 5, 2024 | The Tribalist | All-Rights Reserved

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Elowen Thorne
An apple a day? Not any more ...more like weeks

My favorite part of this guide are all of the DIY preservation methods including making your own ethylene gas absorbers. Wanted to stop paying for a lot of them that don't last very long. All of the suggestions are also pretty economical and sensible.

Lennox Faraday

A very comprehensive guide. I was throwing away produce to the point I was ready to give up on fresh fruits and vegetables at home. There are a lot of "old timey" tips in here. I was a little surprised at how much we have collectively forgotten.

andrea czarnik
Fruit and Veggie Guidelines

This handy fruit and veggie storage guide helps me decide between containers for immediate delayed use within a week or two. I was amazed that 14 days later, raspberries stored in a glass jar were fresh and free from any signs of mold.

Jill Czarnik

I never knew any of these ways to extend the lifespan of my produce. I used to just put my fruits and veggies into the crisper and hope for the best. Boy was I wrong!